Gravyty,, and Ocelot Unite to Transform the Future of Engagement logo
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Revolutionize Your
Student Services

With Generative AI from the Most Trusted and Advanced Chatbot on the Market
Turbocharge Customer Experiences.

Real Conversations.
Real AI. Real Results.

Unlock exceptional outcomes with's generative AI chatbot: IvyQuantumExperience significant cost savings as our chatbot reduces call, email and chat volume. Free up your employees from mundane tasks, boost their job satisfaction and create a happier more productive workplace.
It’s not just communication - it’s a game changer.
Volume DownCall Volume
Down 50%
Volume DownAgent Volume
Down 50%
Up 300%.

5 Star Ratings Up 300%

Leave canned static responses in the past and embrace the transformative potential of generative AI to deliver the optimal user experience.

The First Generative Chatbot Powered only by Your Content

Leverage your existing assets with IvyQuantum™,'s Generative AI chatbot. Our data-driven approach ensures a personalized and reliable chatbot experience. With rapid implementation and real-time information from your primary sources, customers receive accurate and consistent responses.
abstract ivy logo background

Let’s Take a Crawl.

Enter the Url of your public corporate website or knowledge base. Once you become an Ivy partner we’ll configure your crawler to access any of your web properties, even if they require authentication.
900 Bots

The Trusted Choice for Hundreds of
Universities, Hospitals and Governments

Join the most innovative organizations in the world and embrace generative AI to deliver unparalleled customer experiences.
Penn State University
Indiana University
DeVry University
Portland Community College
Georgia Government
Yavapai College
University of Alabama
Texas A&M University
Nashville State Community College
Westchester Country Club
University of Colorado
University ar Albany
San Diego State University
Broward County
Montgomery County Community College
University of Alberta
Generative AI

Achieve more with less.

That’s the power of our Generative AI.

Ivy truly unlocks the promise of AI as a force multiplier. Instead of shifting the workload from customer calls to bot management, simply update your primary sources once and enjoy the cascading success.

and Omnichannel

Whether it’s answering inquiries via SMS, guiding through IVR, sending notifications via email, or providing assistance through voice commands on Alexa, our chatbot ensures that your audience can connect with you anytime, anywhere, and in any language.Because we understand that language should never be a barrier to effective communication, we’ve harnessed the power of Google Translate to bring you a chatbot with multilingual capabilities that support over 100 languages.

Integrations for
Personalization and

IvyQuantum™ offers seamless integration with third-party vendors, creating a unique and personalized experience for your end users. By accessing personal records, the chatbot provides relevant and customized responses, ensuring an engaging and tailored interaction for each user. logo

Chatbots with a Higher IQ

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