Grade Calculator

Calculate your overall grade. Also, calculate what grade you require in your final to get your target grade

Course 1

Assignment (Optional)Percentage (%)Weight (out of 100)
Your average grade is


with a percentage of


Calculate what I need on the final

Current Grade (%)Target Grade (%)Final Exam Weight (%)
Required grade is


with a percentage of


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Grade Calculator - Essential Tool for Academic Success

Grade Calculator is a perfect solution for students, educators, and parents looking to accurately track and understand academic performance. Whether you're navigating different grading systems or calculating grade percentages, our comprehensive tool simplifies the process, making it easy to stay on top of your or your student's progress. Also its 100% free to use.

    How to Use Our Grade Calculator

    • Select Your Grading System:

      Choose the system relevant to your educational institution.
    • Input Your Scores:

      Enter the scores you've received for various assessments.
    • Set the Weights:

      Assign the appropriate weight to each type of assessment, if applicable.
    • Calculate:

      Hit the calculate button and receive your average grade or GPA instantly.

    Why Choose Our Grade Average Calculator?

    • Accuracy:

      Our algorithms ensure precise calculations, giving you confidence in your academic tracking.
    • User-Friendly Interface:

      Simple, intuitive, and easy to navigate for users of all ages and backgrounds.
    • Versatility:

      Compatible with multiple grading systems, making it universally applicable.
    • Instant Results:

      Get your grade calculations in seconds.

    Perfect for students aiming for the stars, teachers assessing their classes, or parents keeping an eye on academic progress.

    Understanding Different Grading Systems

    Our world is diverse, and so are the grading systems used across various educational institutions. We've tailored our Grade Average Calculator to accommodate multiple grading systems, ensuring that no matter where you are or what system your school uses, you can accurately calculate your grades.

    Grading Systems Covered:

    • Percentage-Based System:

      Common in many countries, this system grades students on a scale of 0 to 100%.
    • Letter Grade System:

      Widely used in the United States, this system ranges from A+ to F.
    • GPA System:

      A system that translates your grades into a cumulative average, typically on a scale of 0 to 4.0 or 5.0.

    Grade Conversion Table

    We use the below general conversion table between conversions between GPA, letter grades, and percentages. this table is a general guideline. Different schools and educational systems may have variations in their grading scales.

      GPALetter GradePercentage
      4.0A+/A97% - 100%
      3.7A-90% - 96%
      3.3B+87% - 89%
      3.0B83% - 86%
      2.7B-80% - 82%
      2.3C+77% - 79%
      2.0C73% - 76%
      1.7C-70% - 72%
      1.3D+67% - 69%
      1.0D63% - 66%
      0.7D-60% - 62%
      0.0FBelow 60%

      How the Calculator Works

        Weighted Average

        For example, if homework is 20% of the grade, midterms 30%, and final exam 50%, and the scores are X, Y, Z respectively, the formula is:

        Weighted Average
        Assignment TypeWeight (%)Score AchievedFormula
        Homework20%X(Score/Total Points) * 20%
        Midterms30%Y(Score/Total Points) * 30%
        Final Exam50%Z(Score/Total Points) * 50%
        Total100%GradeSum of All Calculations