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Mezi allows digital course creators to save time, energy with our AI-powered Assistant. Allow your students to get accurate answers about your course material 24/7. [...]
Dola: a powerful AI calendar assistant managing your personal calendar and group calendar by just chatting. Dola turns voice, texts, pictures and complicated context into schedules. You can also sync [...]
Extract any data from any document. Resumes, invoices, contracts, academic research, bank statements, utility bills and more – Sensible can parse them all. [...]
Prime Intellect - Commoditizing Compute & Intelligence
Prime Intellect democratizes AI development at scale. Our platform makes it easy to find global compute resources and train state-of-the-art models through distributed training across clusters. Collec [...]
SocialAI - Your Personal AI-Powered Social Network | Be the Main Character
Experience SocialAI, your personal and private AI-powered social network. Create your own exclusive network with millions of AI followers responding to your every post. [...]